District News
Westwood Shores MUD Projects in Progress
Status Update: February 2, 2023
Project Name: Water Plant No. 1 – Aeration & Filter System and Related Improvements.
Contract Amount: $642,074.65
Funding Source: Bonds (TWDB – DWSRF 2020B)
Estimated Completion Date: March 31ˢᵗ.
Contract Amount: $642,074.65
Funding Source: Bonds (TWDB – DWSRF 2020B)
Estimated Completion Date: March 31ˢᵗ.
Testing of all 4 filters, surge tank, and holding tank is complete.
Tasks that remain:
Tasks that remain:
- Replace above ground plastic lines with ductile steel.
- Replace non-American made steel pipes, fittings and valves with American made materials.
- Paint vessels and pipes and valves
- Well 2 connection to aeration system
- Install power supply and MCC control to Well 2.
- Repair lines that were damaged due to freeze
- Install permanent chlorine feed line to GST fill line
- Install second set of chlorine scales and automatic transfer switches.
- Install LAS pump and connections.